Latest Past Events

Research meeting

The meeting on November 16th has changed in format and contents. Rather than a network symposium we will have a BatteryNL research meeting aiming for the alignment and collaboration between the BatteryNL researchers. This meeting requires the BatteryNL PhD’s and PD’s and their supervisors, the steering committee and representatives of the cofunders that are interested […]

1st Project meeting

Utrecht Utrecht

On 20 June 2023 the BatteryNL project meeting will be organized. If you are interested in attending the project meeting, please register. - BatteryNL partners only -  

Kick-off meeting


On 1 September 2022 the BatteryNL project started and the project will be officially kicked-off on 12 January 2023. If you are interested in attending the kick-off meeting, please register. - BatteryNL partners only -