Publications & Outreach

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Zoeken naar nieuwe batterijtechnologie met een Nederlands vlaggetje

Zoeken naar nieuwe batterijtechnologie met een Nederlands vlaggetje

Interview by Loek Mulder with Prof. Moniek Tromp, RTV Noord, 28-01-2023
In search of the coveted safe, better, longer-lasting battery: BatteryNL

In search of the coveted safe, better, longer-lasting battery: BatteryNL

Everyone who works on the development of batteries in the Netherlands, small companies, multinationals and ...
Podcast: My Future Dream Job – ‘Battery Materials Sourcing Engineer’

Podcast: My Future Dream Job – ‘Battery Materials Sourcing Engineer’

The need for radically different usage of our planet's resources has never been so high. There ...

Podcast: Next-generation batteries – Moniek Tromp – In Science #35

Podcast: Next-generation batteries – Moniek Tromp – In Science #35

In Science RUG Podcast. Our guest today is Moniek Tromp. She’s a Professor of Materials Chemistry at the ...

BSc / MSc / PhD theses

  1. Lisdonk, Jordy van, The effect of annealing on the crystal structure of LiNiOx thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition, BSc thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2023.
  2. Beijers, S.T.J., Effect of annealing on the crystal structure of LiNiO2 PEALD thin films, BSc abstract, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2023.
  3. Bartel, Lina, Atomic Layer Deposition of Li-Based Materials for Battery Applications, MSc abstract, Eindhoven University of Technology, June 2024

Presentations / Posters

  1. Brakenhoff, J.F.G.; Manders, W.H.; Huijssen, N.A.D.; Zickus, M.; Kronemeijer, A.J.; Ghosh, M.; Chaykina, D.;  Kudu, O.U.; Tromp, M.; “Spatial-ALD to stabilize the SEI in Solid-State-Batteries“. Poster presentation at Vlieland Advanced Materials Symposium, 9-11 June 2024.
  2. Gautam, Ajay; Al-Kutubi, Hanan; Famprikis, Theodosis; Ganapathy, Swapna; Marnix Wagemaker, “Lithium Distribution and Site Disorder in Bromide-Substituted Lithium Argyrodites: A Structural and Transport Study“. Poster presentation at ECS 244th meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 October 2023.
  3. Hehn, Jonas, “Interface effects in solid-state electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries“. Poster presentation at CHAINS 2023, The Hague, the Netherlands, 18-25 August 2023.
  4. Hehn, Jonas, “Interface effects in polymer-based hybrid electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries“. Poster presentation at the Block Course “Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries”, CELEST, 27 February–3 March 2023.
  5. Hehn, Jonas, “Interface-induced high ionic conductivity in Li2B12H12 /oxide nanocomposite electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries“. Presentation at the Electrochemistry 2024 conference, Braunschweig, Germany, 17 September 2024.
  6. Jager, B. Maarten;  Kortekaas, Luuk; Elshof ten, André; Tromp, Moniek; Huijben, Mark; “Copper Niobate Anodes for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries“. Poster presentation at Vlieland Advanced Materials Symposium, 9-11 June 2024.
  7. Kortekaas, Luuk; Yang, Yuqiang; Tromp, Moniek; “Investigating Li-ion batteries through operando X-ray techniques”. Poster presentation at CHAINS 2023, The Hague, the Netherlands, 18-25 August 2023.
  8. Kotalgi, Karan, “3D model electrodes: Cathode-liquid electrolyte interphase engineering for lithium-ion batteries“. Poster presentation at the Block Course “Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries”, CELEST, 27 February–3 March 2023.
  9. Pieters, Meike; Helvoirt, Cristian van; Creatore, Mariadriana, “Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Lithium Nickel Oxide Thin Film Model Systems“. Abstract at ECS 244th meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 October 2023.
  10. Pieters, Meike, “High-Voltage Cathode Model Systems by Atomic Layer Deposition for Li-ion Batteries“. Poster presentation at ECCM graduate school, 13-16 June 2023.
  11. Pieters, Meike, “High-voltage cathodes for Li-ion batteries: cathode-electrolyte interface engineering using thin film model systems“. Poster presentation at TU/e EIRES Energizing Day.
  12. Pieters, Meike; Bartel, L.; Helvoirt, Cristian van; Creatore, Mariadriana,“Understanding the dual-source behavior of LiHMDS for Si-free Li-containing films“. Abstract ALD/ALE conference, Helsinki, Finland, 4-7 August 2024.
  13. Xue, Han, “Orientation control in NMC 811 thin films for interface analysis“. Poster presentation at IMLB conference, 17 June 2024.