
BatteryNL consortium partners

The consortium comprises 7 universities, 5 Universities of Applied Sciences, TNO and more than 20 companies.

Universities/Universities of Applied Science

BatteryNL represents the top academic universities and Universities of Applied Sciences active in battery research in the Netherlands. The academic partners are experts in battery and interface materials/chemistry and characterisation methodologies (especially during battery operation). Furthermore the Universities of Applied Sciences developed Centres of Expertise on sustainability and energy transition, specifically targeting the role of batteries, where research and education meet, and results can be valorised and utilised.


The companies ensure the impact of the results is generated. They implement the developed technologies on a larger scale in battery systems and contribute to a more sustainable society. This involves the most relevant national stakeholders in mobility and electric cars, as well as the civil society stakeholders and companies.

Partner expertise and position in the value chain and the connection to society.

Work Package Leaders & Steering Committee

Adriana Creatore, prof. dr.

Eindhoven University of Technology, Professor


Mark Huijben, prof. dr. ir.

University of Twente,


Petra de Jongh, prof. dr.

Utrecht University,


Moniek Tromp, prof. dr.

University of Groningen,


Auke Kronemeijer

Holst Centre/TNO,
Research Manager


Erik Kelder, dr. ir.

Delft University of Technology,
Associate Professor
with ius promovendi


Bob van der Zwaan, prof. dr.

TNO Energy Transition,
Faculty of Science,
University of Amsterdam


Marnix Wagemaker, prof. dr. ir.

Delft University of Technology,

WP7 & WP8

Ingrid de Haer-Douma

Delft University of Technology
Project Officer


Advisory Board

The BatteryNL International Advisory Board (IAB) compromises renowned battery experts, each responsible for large national and European battery research projects. They aim at maximization of the effectiveness of the BatteryNL consortium and its integration in the European battery community, knowledge institutes and industry.

The IAB members are:

  • Prof. M. Winter
    Chairman German Battery Advisory Board
  • Prof. R. Dominko
    Director ALISTORE European Battery Research Institute
  • Prof. P.G. Bruce
    Director UK SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub
  • Ms. Prof. K. Edstrom
    Director SEK Battery Program Sweden, Project Coordinator European Battery2030+ initiative